+374 (11) 59-21-00
Central clinic
X-ray of one section (excluding spine and joints) 10.000 AMD
X-ray of one joint 10.000 AMD
X-ray of two joints 15.000 AMD
X-ray of one section of the spine 10.000 AMD
X-ray of the each additional section of spine 8.000 AMD
X-ray of one section of the spine with functional tests 12.000 AMD
Provision of digital film(35ร—43cm) 2.000 AMD
Digital film (20.3x25.4cm) provision 1.000 AMD
Provision of CD 500 AMD
Orthopantomogram 6.000 AMD
Scanogram 15.000 AMD
Scanogram 2 projection 18.000 AMD
X-ray examination -2 joints 2 projections 0 AMD
X-ray examination -2 joints 3 projections 18.000 AMD
X-ray examination 1 section 0 AMD
X-ray examination of flat foot-1 foot 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination of flat foot-2 foot 15.000 AMD
X-ray examination of lungs (check up) 5.000 AMD
X-ray examination of lungs-2 projections 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination of pelvies-2 projections-lauenstein 13.000 AMD
X-ray examination of pelvis-1 projection 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination of spine with functional probes-1 section 0 AMD
X-ray examination of spine- 1 section 0 AMD
X-ray examination of spine-3 sections (all spine) 24.000 AMD
X-ray examination of the cavities of the skull and nose 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination of the next additional segment of the spine 0 AMD
X-ray examination of the next third additional segment of the spine 6.000 AMD
X-ray examination of the spine in the upright position (for the diagnosis of scoliosis) 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination of upper gastrointestinal tract with BaSO4 10.000 AMD
X-ray examination-joint 2 projections 0 AMD
X-ray examination-joint 3 projections 12.000 AMD