+374 (11) 59-21-00


Here you will find the list of services provided by our center, as well as the information about the doctors and the price list, to make your choice easy and informed


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The key to our success is a professional team that correctly combines experience and youth, balance and enthusiasm.

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December 11, 2024

Vardanants Center Service Director Mrs. Arevik Mkhitaryan was the guest of the program «Aravot Luso».
Vardanants Center Service Director Mrs. Arevik Mkhitaryan was the guest of the program «Aravot Luso».
During the public television program «Aravot Luso», she spoke about the basic principles of management and organization of the center's work, as well

December 04, 2024

Back pain, when to visit a rheumatologist?
Back pain, when to visit a rheumatologist?
Are you worried about back pain? Do you know when to visit a rheumatologist?  You will get answers to these and other questions during the Buzhinfo pr

November 22, 2024

"Vardanants Medical Center": Modern and Effective Solutions for Your Health
"Vardanants Medical Center": Modern and Effective Solutions for Your Health
At Vardanants Medical Center, we combine modern surgical care with personalized attention to ensure that each patient receives not only effective trea

November 13, 2024

You can contact us +374 (11) 59-21-00

RA, 0010, c. Yerevan, Vardanants 18/1

Mon.-Fri. 08։30 - 20։00 Sat. 09։00 - 18։00 Sun. 9։00- 15։00

RA, 0010, c. Yerevan 10/7 Gai Avenue

Mon.-Fri. 09։00 - 20։00 Sat. 09։00 - 15։00

Yerevan, Kochar Street 35/1

Mon.-Fri. 09։00 - 18։00 Sat. 09։00 - 15։00

Vanadzor, Taterakan 2

Mon.-Sat. 09։00 - 18։00

Sevan, Nairyan 169

Mon.-Fri. 09։30 - 20։00 Sat. 09։00 - 18։00 Sun. 9։00- 15։00