Additional drug-eluting balloon for coronary stenting and balloon angioplasty 350.000 AMD
Additional non-drug-eluting balloon for coronary stenting and balloon angioplasty 150.000 AMD
Attempt to recanalize a chronically occluded vessel 950.000 AMD
Balloon angioplasty with 1 drug-eluting balloon 950.000 AMD
Balloon angioplasty with 1 non-drug-eluting balloon 750.000 AMD
Bladder-vaginal transection 600.000 AMD
Breast major surgical procedure 730.000 AMD
Breast medium surgical procedure 460.000 AMD
Breast minor surgical procedure 330.000 AMD
Breast surgical procedure under local anesthesia 140.000 AMD
Circumcision in stationary conditions 180.000 AMD
Coronary Angiography 140.000 AMD
Coronary Angiography including all tests 180.000 AMD
Correction of nasal bone deformity 700.000 AMD
Correction of nasal tip deformity 600.000 AMD
Cystolitotripsy (mechanical) 350.000 AMD
Cystoscopy with local anesthesia 70.000 AMD
Cystoscopy with spinal anesthesia 200.000 AMD
Diagnostic laparoscopy 300.000 AMD
Double sided laparoscopic plastic surgery of inguinal hernia With polypropylene mesh 645.000 AMD
Double sided laparoscopic plastic surgery of inguinal hernia With self-locking mesh:French Swin cont 795.000 AMD
Epididimectomy 370.000 AMD
Epididimis cyst removal 370.000 AMD
Frenuloplasty 120.000 AMD
Hymorotomy (unilateral or bilateral) + Ethmoidotomy + Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction 400.000 AMD
Hymorotomy, unilateral or bilateral endoscopic 600.000 AMD
Laparascopic apendectomy 400.000 AMD
Laparascopic cholecystectomy 400.000 AMD
Laparoscopic plastic surgery of inguinal hernia With polypropylene mesh 400.000 AMD
Laparoscopic plastic surgery of inguinal hernia With self-locking mesh: French Swin contact 430.000 AMD
Laparoscopic plasty of inguinal hernia with polypropylene mesh 600.000 AMD
Laparoscopic plasty of inguinal hernia without mesh 570.000 AMD
Laparoscopic removal of abdominal masses, cysts, and foreign bodies 500.000 AMD
Open apendectomy 400.000 AMD
Open cholecystectomy 400.000 AMD
Open plastic surgery of inguinal hernia with polypropylene mesh 430.000 AMD
Open plastic surgery of inguinal hernia with self-locking mesh: French Swin contact 530.000 AMD
Open plasty of inguinal hernia with mesh 600.000 AMD
Open plasty of inguinal hernia without mesh 570.000 AMD
Open radical plasty of ventral, white line, portal hernias With anti-seize net 650.000 AMD
Optical ureterotomy 400.000 AMD
Orchiectomy: bilateral 440.000 AMD
Orchiectomy: Unylateral 340.000 AMD
Orchipexia 300.000 AMD
Percutaneous cystostomy 130.000 AMD
Pericardial drainage 130.000 AMD
Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction (conchoplasty) 300.000 AMD
Rectocele, cystocele: complex 460.000 AMD
Rectocele, cystocele: simple 350.000 AMD
Removal of a unique nasal polyp or growth 350.000 AMD
Removal of hydrocele 340.000 AMD
Sclerotherapy of varicocele 320.000 AMD
Shuntography including all tests 200.000 AMD
Siringotomy 70.000 AMD
Soft tissue surgery of medium volume 350.000 AMD
Stenting with 1 biodegradable stent 1.650.000 AMD
Stenting with 1 drug-eluting stent 850.000 AMD
Stenting with 2 biodegradable stents 2.400.000 AMD
Stenting with 2 drug-eluting stents 1.250.000 AMD
Stenting with 3 biodegradable stents 3.150.000 AMD
Stenting with 3 drug-eluting stents 1.650.000 AMD
Stenting with 4 biodegradable stents 3.900.000 AMD
Stenting with 4 biodegradable stents 2.050.000 AMD
Stenting with 5 drug-eluting stent 2.450.000 AMD
Submucosal resection of the nasal septum + Endoscopic Sinus Surgery 650.000 AMD
Submucosal resection of the nasal septum + Pansinusitis+ Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction 450.000 AMD
Submucosal resection of the nasal septum + Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction 450.000 AMD
Submucosal resection of the nasal septum+Radiofrequency Turbinate Reduction+Hymorotomy 550.000 AMD
Temprorary cardiac pacemaker insertion 130.000 AMD
Testicular Biopsy Sling Surgery (No Band Cost) 460.000 AMD
Testicular biopsy with spinal anesthesia 180.000 AMD
Testicular biopsy with with local anesthesia 180.000 AMD
Thrombectomy 700.000 AMD
Thrombectomy during stenting and balloon angioplasty 200.000 AMD
Tonsilectomy 230.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the big prostate gland 580.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the bladder more than 5 cm 540.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the bladder neck 400.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the bladder up to 1.5 cm 420.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the bladder up to 1.5-5 cm 480.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the medium prostate gland 530.000 AMD
Transurethral resection of the small prostate gland 470.000 AMD
Ureteral stenting with spinal anesthesia 210.000 AMD
Ureteral stenting with with local anesthesia 210.000 AMD
Urethral polyp removal 250.000 AMD
Uvuloplasty (uvula plasty, shortening) 200.000 AMD
Vasectomy 300.000 AMD
Радикальная пластика вентральных, белой линии, портальных грыж С противозахватной сеткой 650.000 AMD