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October 20th is osteoporosis prevention day
October 20, 2023
October 20th is osteoporosis prevention day

In Armenia 46% of people aged 50 and over have osteoporosis. It is a chronic condition that affects the skeletal system, making the bones frail and thus increasing the risk of fractures.

Our endocrinologist Marie Ghasaboghlyan recommends

  • to eat foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D
  • to lead a physically active lifestyle- going on walks, playing tennis, dancing
  • not to smoke.

The doctor notes that in case of having chronic rheumatic comorbidities which imply taking glucocorticoids or if you are undergoing hormone replacement therapy due to oncological diseases, it is best that you undergo medical examination in order to reject or confirm osteoporosis.

Timely diagnosis and treatment add to the longevity and quality of your life.

To consult an endocrinologist, contact us at +𝟑𝟕𝟒 (𝟏𝟏) 𝟓𝟗 𝟐𝟏 𝟎𝟎 .