When is a mammogram necessary? Presented by the head of our mammalogical service

Mammography examinations are already being performed in the mammography room of "Vardanants", which is fully equipped with the latest equipment (General Electric Senographe Pristina mammography complex, GE Versana Black sonography device).
Nerses Berberyan, the head of our mammological service, urges women (40 years and older) to undergo mammographic screening regardless of complaints.
And if you notice,
- a palpable lump in the breast,
- redness of the breast skin,
- wound surface on the skin and nipple,
- blood discharge from the nipple,
- changes in the breast skin (like a lemon peel),
than contact us without wasting time. It is necessary to undergo a diagnostic mammographic examination.
Women can undergo mammography examination at our center from Monday to Saturday, until 18:00 at the Kochar (35/1) branch.
Call +𝟑𝟕𝟒 (𝟏𝟏) 𝟓𝟗 𝟐𝟏 𝟎𝟎 and register for a mammogram examination.