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Enjoy your healthy pregnancy with "vardanats".
September 01, 2023
Enjoy your healthy pregnancy with "vardanats".

"It was very impressive when I saw my baby's surprised face on the screen. These are indescribable emotions. Of course, it is very important when I make sure that my baby develops and grows up without problems, and I will place his beautiful pictures, which the doctor provides, in his first album," Aida shares her impressions.

She is one of the pregnant women registered in "Vardanants", she is waiting for the birth of her second child. Experienced gynecologists of "Vardanants" carry out examinations of the course of pregnancy with the latest generation fetal 𝟯𝗗/𝟰𝗗 UDS device, which with its technological capabilities is the leader in the accuracy of image acquisition. In addition to unforgettable meetings with future parents, the 𝟯𝗗/𝟰𝗗 ultrasound device provides an opportunity to accurately assess the development and growth of the fetus, and detect existing problems in the early stages.

And during the screening of the second trimester of pregnancy, echocardiography and neurosonography of the brain are also performed. Call +𝟑𝟕𝟒 (𝟏𝟏) 𝟓𝟗 𝟐𝟏 𝟎𝟎 and register for a consultation with a gynecologist.