Give health. 'Love Card +'

Present your beloved women something truly valuable: many years of a healthy life with you.
The 'Love Card +' from 'Vardanants' gives you this opportunity.
It includes a comprehensive examination of women based on the recommendations of the World Health Organisation (WHO).
These comprehensive examinations are aimed at preventing and early detection of diseases that can affect women's health.
Get acquainted with the examinations included in the package
We have also taken care of your comfort and time saving.
You can additionally order transportation and personal escort. Our employee will accompany your loved ones to the car and then home. So you can go about your daily activities while taking care of the health of your beloved women.
Until April 7, you can buy the card with a 10% discount.
You can buy the card online or order it by phone.
Phone: +374 (11) 59 21 00.
We will deliver the 'Love Card +' to a convenient location on the day of the order.