Asya Mehrabyan
Languages Armenian, Russian
Work experience
10.03.2022 to present - "Vardanants" Center for Innovative Medicine, physiotherapist, Yerevan, Armenia
01․10․2012-15․11․2022 - "Kamir Blur" polyclinic, reflex therapist, physiotherapist, Yerevan, Armenia
2007-01. 10. 2012 - RA police, doctor-reflex therapist, Yerevan
2005-2007 - "Ultramed" medical center, reflex therapist, Yerevan, Armenia
2017-2019 - Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, clinical residency in physiotherapy specialty, Armenia
2004-2005 - National Institute of Health after Academician S. Avdalbekyan of RA Ministry of Health, clinical residency in reflexology specialty
1998-2004 - Yerevan State Medical University, Faculty of General Medicine, Bachelor's Degree: General Medicine, Yerevan, Armenia
Academic activity
17-28. 06. 2024 – Training course: "Modern issues of physical medicine and rehabilitation", Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, Yerevan
14-20. 06.2024 – Training course: "Modern Physiotherapy Approaches and Technologies", Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, Yerevan
12.10.2023 - Conference: "Rehabilitation and physiotherapy in the medical process", RA Ministry of Health, Yerevan
11.05.2022 – Training course: MLS LAZER therapy user training focus on M8 robotic system, "Vardanants" CIM, Yerevan
30.09-01.10.2016 2016 - International conference: "Medicine of the future. A similar approach to general medicine", RA Ministry of Health, Yerevan
11.12.2015 - Conference: "News from international gastroenterology conferences, Armenian Association of Gastroenterologists, Yerevan
26.10-11.12.2015 – Advance training course: "Reflexotherapy in clinical medicine", Yerevan State Medical University named after M. Heratsi, Yerevan
22 . 11-03 : 12 . 2010 Training: "Contemporary issues of reflexology", National Institute of Health after Academician S. Avdalbekyan of RA Ministry of Health, Yerevan
24.10.2009 - Seminar: lectures on cardiology, Arrhythmology Cardiology Center of Armenia, Yerevan
8.11.2009 - Seminar: Lectures on ECG, Arrhythmology Cardiology Center of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia
1 2 -15.02.2004 – Training course: Basic Ambulance Training, Boston University School of Medicine, Yerevan
24-27.08. 2000 - Training course: Foot reflexology: 1st year, D78126 Koeningsfeid-Burgberg, Yerevan
20.03.2001 - Training course: Foot reflexology: 2nd course, D78126 Koeningsfeid-Burgberg, Yerevan